1. Food You need food to give you energy and make your brain work (simplest explanation ever). Have all your go-to snacks handy when your studying. Just don’t go on a baking rampage while you’re supposed to be studying. 2. Laptop You need all of your notes (on
1. Watch this YouTube video WARNING: DON’T CLICK ON ANY OTHER YOUTUBE VIDEOS. 2. Self bribery Reward yourself with your favourite food/TV show AFTER you’ve set yourself a goal to reach and have actually achieved it. WARNING: DON’T REWARD YOURSELF IF YOU HAVEN’T REACHED YOUR
Expectation: A sudden influx of new friends Reality: A sudden realisation of your social awkwardness Expectation: Getting to know your campus Reality: Expectation: Looking good for uni is a must. Reality: Expectation: Crazy uni parties every week Reality: Expectation: Meeting the 'one' Reality: Expectation: Joining a club/society Reality: Expectation:
1. Splurge on food This is where you look busy by putting aside your self-esteem and having a nice meal by yourself either in the food court, or a bathroom stall... 2. Try and socialize If you had a fun group of friends then finding ways to kill time wouldn't