Boost your uni grades with concise video summaries by top students in your course
Daniel Brand
Dan is passionate about living a balanced life, mixing up travelling, community work and still excelling at uni studies. Achieved a high distinction in CIVL2410 (Soil Mechanics) with a mark of 88.
During your years of study, it is inevitable that you will experience the torment of the group assignment. If you’ve ever done one, you’ll be very familiar with these feels: Here are the types of people you’ll encounter as team members 1. The ‘my way or the
1. Food You need food to give you energy and make your brain work (simplest explanation ever). Have all your go-to snacks handy when your studying. Just don’t go on a baking rampage while you’re supposed to be studying. 2. Laptop You need all of your notes (on
1. Watch this YouTube video WARNING: DON’T CLICK ON ANY OTHER YOUTUBE VIDEOS. 2. Self bribery Reward yourself with your favourite food/TV show AFTER you’ve set yourself a goal to reach and have actually achieved it. WARNING: DON’T REWARD YOURSELF IF YOU HAVEN’T REACHED YOUR
Expectation: A sudden influx of new friends Reality: A sudden realisation of your social awkwardness Expectation: Getting to know your campus Reality: Expectation: Looking good for uni is a must. Reality: Expectation: Crazy uni parties every week Reality: Expectation: Meeting the 'one' Reality: Expectation: Joining a club/society Reality: Expectation:
1. Splurge on food This is where you look busy by putting aside your self-esteem and having a nice meal by yourself either in the food court, or a bathroom stall... 2. Try and socialize If you had a fun group of friends then finding ways to kill time wouldn't