The How NOT to Prepare for an Exam Guide

All the wrong things we do when studying for exams 1) Get good night sleeps: getting into a good sleep routine is essential 2) Be healthy: excersie, eat properly, drink water and GO OUTSIDE! 3) Don't make plans you know you don't have time for: stop avoiding it, you have
Develop Time-saving Strategies for University

Develop Time-saving Strategies for University

Learn how to manage your time at uni wisely and efficiently with these tips: Ask direct questions, don't be scared. Plan to do things at the best time, be efficient. Prioritize your workload, dont leave the hardest or longest things until the end. Don’t aim to be perfect, its

7 Essentials for a day in University

Part of being a student is the constant feeling that time flies, we are always late and we usually forget things. Here are the 7 things you must not forget to survive a day in Uni. 1) Headphones to ignore people... 2) Laptop to watch some Netflix... 3) Cellphone to
5 Ways to Kick off the Semester

5 Ways to Kick off the Semester

You're still in time to make things right! Get these key tips for a strong start of the new semester for a student from a student! 1) Start early and don’t leave things for later. Don’t postpone your study, readings and assignments it’ll get more intense as